Baton Rouge SEO and the Truth About Search Engine Optimization.
It seems like most of all of my conversations these days revolve around search engine rankings and here in Baton Rouge SEO can be a very competitive market. As President & CEO of Geaux Studio Designs, nearly 100% of my time is spent on creative solutions regarding search engine optimization and responsive web development. The one thing to be certain of is that the landscape is constantly changing. But is that a good thing? Yes it is! Before I continue to discuss here’s the truth about Baton Rouge SEO or search engine optimization in general. Very few agencies locally and nationally really understand SEO and have the capacity to execute a winning formula. Sure, you can meet with them two times and get a proposal for $$$$ per month where you’ll get estimates on magical things called impressions and for a few dollars more even a Google Adwords campaign manager. Then by the time you see no results it’s already to late. Congrats you have gotten 250K impressions in 3 months with little to no conversions (leads or sales). Now what do you do? If you pull the investment you’ll run the risk of losing those magical impressions and if you continue theirs no certainty of success. Text book catch 22.
Baton Rouge SEO is no different than any other local business working hard to establish a relevant presence on Google and Bing leader boards. Not all marketing companies and web dev firms are bad at search engine optimization. But you have to understand that SEO is constantly changing and that is a great thing. But why is that good? In the early 2000’s my buddy had a website that was page 1 rank 1 for years. Sleeping at the wheel and reeling in all those tasty clicks, but with no aditional investment in his SEO strategy those delicious clicks went away. As a business owner you might say this is ridiculous, he had it figured out and he was winning he should get to stay on top. And if you’re on top I can understand the logic, but what about all the other businesses that want to be on top too. More importantly, what about the search engines? To truly understand SEO you have to understand the primary objective of a search engine. The #1 goal is to provide users with relevant data. That’s a search engines bread and butter. Producing output from your input. In order for search engines to do this they have to constantly learn and develop then deploy state of the art tech to keep consumers(users) coming back. Whens the last time you said “I don’t know Google it” or “I’m not lying Google it”. The fact of the matter is that agencies, firms or marketers can’t fully understand search engine optimization because it’s constantly changing and if someone promises you a million “hits”, guaranteed page 1 display and didn’t end up in your junk mail box, it’s most likely not sustainable. SEO is difficult. It requires a ton of research and time to implement. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Work with a team you can trust, but can also show you where they’re winning currently. Prepare to be with them for quite some time and invest with them as a business partner.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][button size=”medium_rd_bt” t_color=”#ffffff” b_color=”#dd3333″ t_hover_color=”#000000″ b_hover_color=”#dd3333″ url=”https://geauxstudio.com/#contact”]Contact Us[/button][/vc_column][/vc_row]